Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Favorite Parenting Quote "of the week"*

this from 'Because I Said So'...

...everyone knows a ringing phone releases a hormone in children that makes them flock to you like seagulls to a bag of discarded Mc Donald's left-overs in the parking lot...

There is so much truth on this blog that it frightens me, and makes me laugh right the hell out loud -- keep in mind I grew up in a family of seven - so this woman's life is my mom's -- and um... wow my mom should be cannonized (even though we aren't catholic, yeah really we aren't catholic and there were actually nine of us, [they added after we all left!] -- we aren't mormon either, it had nothing to do with religion and everything to do with my parents having the best spirits in town (not the kind you drink... although...)

*remember week is a relatively broadly defined term = when I get around to reading something that prompts me to post it

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that blog too...it's so funny and right on about everything! I feel like she lives here sometimes.