...was just great! my daughter dropped an entire quart (the ziploc twist and seal containers just shatter when you drop them btw) of au-jus leftover from last night. First, my oldest put dinner together because I had a board meeting ... she made enough au just for the entire 1st airborne to come over and have french dips with us -- second, my son put away all the food, except for the huge pan of leftover au jus -- so of course at like midnight I was pouring au jus into this ziploc container, there was actually more in the pan, but I honestly thought that saving a quart was going to be sufficient for any use we might think of in the next millenia.
Cleaning up cold au jus is just about absolutely equal to cleaning up baby shit. I'm thinking of some sort of baby shower game where you clean it off of a dolls butt or something -- oooh oooh, maybe out of a carseat - with only two partially used taco bell napkins and an old grocery receipt! It's got enough fat in it to not be completely liquid and to make you chase it all around -- it still acts like liquid though and so you can't just wipe it like a nice spill of something with some sort of solidity. Also, and this is true of any liquid spill... a quart of contained liquid somehow multiplies by like 12.5 when it spills, so you find yourself actually cleaning up gallons and gallons of spilled whatever. Further... it's full of salt and fat, so you can't have the dog come help with the cleanup... and I just know that even though we were very thorough, I'm going home to an infestation of ants or some other nastiness. Lastly, while I dearly love my new refrigerator... it is actually too close to the ground to clean under, seriously I could fit one flat papertowel under there, but I'm sure you can guess what that did... yeah pushed the slime further under the fridge...
Yeah, so... 1st Airborne or not, we are not having any left over French-dips at our house for lunch or dinner anytime soon. Well unless you want to figure out how to suck it out from under the fridge with a straw.... bleah
***** U P D A T E *****
so my daughter says to us last night, "hey why didn't anyone save the leftover au jus?"
On your way home from work today, swing by Whole Foods/Wild Oats or Vitamin Cottage. Go to the cleaning supplies aisle. Look for BioKleen All-Purpose Cleaner. Follow the instructions on the bottle for mixing it up, and use that. Hand to God, cross my heart, pinky swear, that stuff will clean up the au jus. It will leave no streaks, has a pleasant smell, and does not have funky chemicals in it. It's all-natural, made with enzymes. Tom uses it to clean the grill. He's been using it all summer and is still awestruck at how the crud just melts off. Grease especially. I use it to clean my floors, countertops, appliances, everything. Get your hubby to help pull the fridge out and clean under there too. This stuff is awesome. I expect you to be singing my praises this time tomorrow {snort}. Good luck! :)
LMAO @ your idea for a baby shower game! It's perfect! Wish I knew someone I could give a baby shower but I'm sure if any of my friends got preggo now they'd shoot themselves before a baby shower could happen. At my niece's baby shower they did a game where they melted different candy bars in diapers and we had to guess what kind of candy bar it was (BTW - Melted Mounds looks like diarrhea with maggots in it, just in case you were wondering.) But your game is far better than that!
And thanks for the tip LaughingatChaos! I like Simple Green, but I might have to try that sometime!
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