Thursday, September 18, 2008

where to go from here

I wrote a piece about my oldest brother -- you know way back in part 1 when I said I would go from oldest to youngest -- I used real names (which I will change) and right now it feels like I'm somehow violating his privacy -- and then I thought -- well I could post it for a short time and take it down again -- only my regular readers that have been reading thus far would probably be interested anyhow...

I'm not sure what I'm going to do now... I guess I will go write about my next brother and see where that takes my heart

so my question to you dear readers (all three of you, lol) is are you feeling voyeuristic enough to want to read about my siblings now that you know how crazy our attachments are - or would you rather I went on to something new?


moosema said...

I've always believed it's best to go wherever your heart takes you. I'm sure I'll enjoy whatever you choose to write about.

Sorry my blog has been so sparse lately. I've been positively sapped of all energy lately. I swear my children suck it from me when I sleep.

Anonymous said...

No, please continue! I've been enjoying reading these posts, though I haven't commented. Your parents are amazing people; I wish I had that kind of strength. Sigh...

baseballmom said...

write on, baby!

momumo said...

wow there really are three of you, lol